GlitchKraft Glitch Workshop

  Glitch Workshop with Allison Tanenhaus One-on-one guidance on iPads (and BYO devices), with preloaded images and apps.

GlitchKraft Artist Talk: Alex Kittle

  Artist Talk featuring illustrator, art historian, and film curator Alex Kittle Since 2018, Kittle has been devoted to women filmmakers, creating portraits and zine biographies as a way to share their stories and works in an accessible way. She also co-hosts a monthly screening series and discussion group called Strictly Brohibited, which highlights women-made...

Cannupa Hanska Luger: Indigenous Science Fiction, The Imagination and Long-Term Thinking

A reception was held Wednesday, October 16, in the Jackie Liebergott Black Box Theater at Emerson’s Paramount Center, 559 Washington Street, followed by the talk Indigenous Science Fiction, The Imagination and Long-Term Thinking, where artist Cannupa Hanska Luger was in conversation with author and historian of science Dr. Jimena Canales. The conversation was presented by Emerson’s...

Performativity of Objects feat. Katherine Mitchell DiRico and Nicole L’Huillier

Join us for an intimate conversation in the gallery with spacetime artists DiRico and L'Huillier and the exhibition curator as they explore non-human performativity through movement, sound, and light. We'll discuss the agency of objects and how the art works on display are in a continual state of becoming. Spacetime (x, y, x + t)...

Video and Digital Art Drive In, Area Code Art Fair

The Area Code Art Fair drive-in screening offered a wide selection of artistic content, ranging from abstract glitch art, computer generated rhythms and sounds, and Zoom karaoke, to moving personal testimonials and critical, documentary short films. You can review a complete list of artists. In addition to the screening, the Drive In displayed six independent...

Memorials: As Monuments Fall. Panel: Artist Activist Tory Bullock, Art Historian Cher Krause Knight, Artist Activist Zsuzsanna Szegedi.

  The two Memorials panels are organized in collaboration with Professors Anya Belkina and Cher Krause Knight, and inspired by their co-taught class Boston Memorials Revisited and Reimagined: Public Art and Virtual Modeling. Bringing together artists, activists, architects, urban planners, and scholars, the conversation centers around issues of memorial design and how our relationships to memorials...