GlitchKraft Artist Talk: Alex Kittle

  Artist Talk featuring illustrator, art historian, and film curator Alex Kittle Since 2018, Kittle has been devoted to women filmmakers, creating portraits and zine biographies as a way to share their stories and works in an accessible way. She also co-hosts a monthly screening series and discussion group called Strictly Brohibited, which highlights women-made...

Future Ancestral Technologies: nágshibi

Cannupa Hanska Luger’s Future Ancestral Technologies: nágshibi is a multi-media Indigenous-centered science fiction exhibition using creative storytelling to radically reimagine the future and promote a thriving Indigeneity. Nágshibi is the Hidatsa word for ‘to be past, to be after’ or ‘to exceed, to go beyond.’ The exhibition, an approach to creating art objects, videos, and performance...

Indigenous storytelling with Larry Spotted Crow Mann

Join award winning author, poet, and Nipmuc storyteller Larry Spotted Crow Mann as he contextualizes the exhibition with local histories, traditional stories, and poetry. The art of Native American storytelling has been passed down for thousands of years. They give life and meaning to everything in the Universe and offer lessons of love, courage, kindness,...

Spacetime (x, y, z + t)

Katherine Mitchell DiRico, Stilling Time. 2020. Mixed media installation. Spacetime (x, y, z + t) is a multi-dimensional exhibition in the Emerson Contemporary Media Art Gallery that features experimental works by regional and international artists Katherine Mitchell DiRico (US), Monika Grzymala (GER), Nicole L’Huillier (CL), Zsuzsanna Szegedi (HUN), and Sarah Trahan (US). The exhibition features...

Performativity of Objects feat. Katherine Mitchell DiRico and Nicole L’Huillier

Join us for an intimate conversation in the gallery with spacetime artists DiRico and L'Huillier and the exhibition curator as they explore non-human performativity through movement, sound, and light. We'll discuss the agency of objects and how the art works on display are in a continual state of becoming. Spacetime (x, y, x + t)...